Love – Pure Feelings

The best thing to hold onto in life is to just love each other. Sometimes it’s really very hard to give words to your feelings. It’s like you are having feelings for some person but you can’t explain the same thing to your spouse . and then in this situation every random poet’s line you feel like… WOW!!! It’s so damn true.

Even Hellen Keller said, “ the best and most beautiful thing in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt within the heart”, This feeling is really very different. You just start expecting from your better half that he will support you in each and everything. You start sharing your stuff from tip to toe and that also without any meanness. You start giving respect to that person from the core of your heart. You start craving for love that adds value to your life.  A person who will stand by your side in every ups and downs of your life. You start feeling lucky to have that person in your life.

But today’s generation doesn’t sail in the same boat in case of feelings. They have started quitting so early on their mates. After just one mistake they think that they deserve someone better. Rather than quitting just sit for a second. Give thought to your love and to your life. Try to find a way to make things work. There could be many reasons taking back step.

  • Revenge from the partner – Sometimes a person starts feeling frustrated from better half that they are ignoring or they are not keeping on the same priority as you are giving to them. It’s like if he will hurt me then I will also make him feel the same. Anger and revenge can motivate to cheat.
  • Not feeling the same for a long time– Love for the person does not stay the same forever. By the time it gets faded. Agree on true love lasts forever. But still, the way you feel in starting never remains the same. Even possibilities are there that person start liking someone else.
  • Commitment Issues– Today’s youth is afraid of giving commitment to their love. If they want to stay in a relationship then also they won’t prefer to give commitment. They will feel uneasy about this.
  • Unmet Needs– At times partner is not interested in intimacy. This can be frustrating for another partner. As they want to get intimated. And this might can be a major reason for ending up the relationship.
  • Lack of Understanding– Twinning issues for youth are major these days. They can’t set equation with there partner. There is a lack of effort in case of maintaining understanding with the partner. But this is a very basic thing to make a relationship work.


“ All you need is love”. Be together for the right reasons. A genuine and deep level of administration for each other. It’s a constant commitment to a person regardless of the circumstances. It is like dealing with another person’s insecurities and fears and ideas, even when you don’t want to. Discussion and sharing is the best way to avoid break-ups. If you are facing some issues then just simply share with your partner that you are feeling this. Until and unless things are not crystal clear it would be very hard to bring back things on track.

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength While loving someone deeply gives you courage.

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