work benefits at home

Cloud storage company Dropbox announced on Tuesday that “it is becoming a Virtual First company,” which allowed all employees to work from home permanently. It said its internal work reports explained that nearly 90% of employees were more productive working from home. Twitter, Facebook, and Microsoft have allowed for some roles for work from home permanently.

Working from home is the very first experience for such a long term for all employees and the day-to-day default for individual work.

Maximum Companies ordered their employees to work from home to prevent the spread of COVID-19 since march 2020.

While these new-age, sophisticated technologies present unstoppable opportunities, their basic motive is to ensure a smooth workflow and increase productivity as well as the efficiency of employees.

The technological upgradation accomplished in the past two decades have brought about a major revolution in the corporate sector, changing every aspect of our working life. Starting from the way employees enter the office premises to the way they attend meetings or collaborate remotely, technology has become an integral part of the modern business world.

Companies are so quick and active to absorb some of these technologies, but as we can see the coronavirus pandemic is now accelerating the digitalization of the corporate sector as most organizations continue to work from home, what may be the new normal in a COVID, and, most probably, a post-COVID future – a possibility of working from home for the rest of the year or permanent.

As most organizations start opening up it becomes imperative for an organization to have strict entrance control and checks for employees, visitors, or contractors who are entering the premises to ensure safety compliance.

The Contactless Visitor management for entrance control has been one of the key areas that can help organizations control and manage their entrance. By replacing the legacy of manual visitor entry registration with AI-based contactless visitor management systems.

These technology-enabled systems facilitate seamless, visitors, contractors authentication with QR code, re-registration, automated host notification, track visitor health form, control and have visibility of people in the premise, generate digital passes for visitors with zero human-to-human interactions.

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