Worldwide changing face of education
Education has changed greatly, with the typical rise of online studies, where teaching is undertaken slightly and on digital platforms. Especially during Pandemic school children, Under graduation and Post-graduation all are studying online only. Those who were not comfortable with online studies also got familiar these days. Research suggests that online learning has resulted in an increase in remembering information, and takes less time.
With this sudden shift from classroom to online studies across the world, people are wondering whether taking on of online learning will continue to keep on post-pandemic, and how such a shift would impact the worldwide education market. In response to change in demand, many online learning platforms are offering free access and many offers for their services.
Like Coin has two sides heads and tails in a similar way for every single change there will be pros and cons.
The following could be some advantage:
- Education can be gained from distant places.
- More convenient.
- More Flexible and money-saving.
- Online classes will teach me to be more self-disciplined.
- Education comes right at student’s
In a similar way, there are disadvantages also.
- Less concentration of both teachers and students.
- More time-consuming.
- Online classes require more time management skills.
- Online classes may create a sense of isolation among students.
- Online classes require a huge responsibility for self-learning and more attention.
There could be many more reasons but the end of the day we can conclude that now it’s in your hand that if you want to gain then surely you will and if you will be careless for your studies then only you will be in loss and later on the situation can be tough for you.